Tips to Find the Ideal Provider of High Risk Accounts for Debt Collections

If you are in the debt collections industry, you may be aware of the practical challenges that you may face when approaching a payment processor. Also, we see that high-risk merchant accounts are often subject to strict rules. They may be liable to pay higher fees due to the increased risk associated with certain business types, including debt collections.

But fortunately, there are many options like BKW Servicing in the market. They help you get a reliable and secure high-risk merchant account to process payments.

So, on that note, we will move ahead to help you find the right expert in high-risk accounts for debt collections. Here are some tips worth knowing about.

  1. Know about the High Risk Category

Do this before you start your search for an expert for high-risk accounts for debt collections. First, you need to understand why debt collection businesses are classified as high risk. The primary reason is the higher chances of chargebacks and potential legal disputes in the industry.

Debtors may dispute charges or claim they were unaware of the debt. This may lead to chargebacks. It can also result in potential financial losses for the payment processor.

  1. Research Reputable Providers

Once you know clearly about the high-risk classification, you can move ahead. It is the right time to research reputable merchant account providers. Here, you can narrow down on companies with a proven track record of working with your industry. Check their online reviews and ask for referrals from other debt collection companies. A reputable provider should have a transparent pricing structure. They will most probably offer total support.

  1. Gauge their Pricing and Fees

High risk merchant accounts typically come with higher fees. They have stricter terms compared to conventional merchant accounts. But still, you need to check the pricing and fees from different providers. Doing so will let you know that you’re getting a fair deal.

Pay close attention to the discount rates and monthly fees. Also keep an eye on the chargeback fees. You should know that the lowest rates may not always be the best option. In some cases, the provider will charge low but will not have the experience or support services.

  1. Check their Integration Capabilities

This point comes into play when you set out to pick a good debt collections merchant accounts provider. If they can integrate well with your existing payment processing systems, then they will provide a hassle-free experience. Additionally, you should go with providers that offer dedicated customer support. Good companies would have round the clock support. Hence, they will be able to address any issues or concerns promptly.


Searching for the ideal provider of high risk debt collections merchant accounts calls for careful research and evaluation on your part. These tips will definitely help you.