This Payment Gateway Accepts ALL Legal Gun Dealers

There’s little more frustrating than preparing to open your gun dealership after going through all the proper legal channels, only to be rejected by the payment processing services you seek out. Because gun dealers are considered “high risk” to payment processors, many refuse to work with them. But there is a solution: there’s at least one payment gateway that proudly accepts high risk clients, including all legal gun dealers. Learn all about them in today’s blog.


Understanding Firearm Payment Gateways: An Insider’s View

Firearm payment processing can be a tricky task to tackle. The firearm industry is at high risk for fraud and legal issues, especially with the emergence of eCommerce and the shifting regulations around firearms. Those who are legally prohibited from purchasing a firearm may try to purchase one fraudulently. If you, as a gun dealer, sell a gun to a prohibited person or fail to do the proper background check, you can lose your Federal Firearms License (FFL).

And there are data privacy issues when it comes to firearms payment processing, as well. Cyberhackers may try to break into your payment processing software to steal information from your customers or your business. All of these issues combined are the reasons why firearm dealers often need a specific firearm payment gateway. The truth is that many payment processors are not equipped for the unique challenges of working with a firearms dealer.

So what does a firearm payment gateway look like? For one thing, you need a payment processor who is equipped to handle high-risk clients. You need someone who is up-to-date and compliant with all firearm regulations and data privacy regulations. Security is a must. Having an encrypted payment gateway that protects the information of your customers and your business will protect against cyberhackers. It also helps to have a payment processor that includes implementations for things like inventory so you can do all of your transaction related work from one location.

Another challenge is processing fees. Typically, there are three types of processing fees: tiered pricing and flat rate pricing both tend to “bundle” all transactions into wide categories, generally dependent on card-present purchases and online purchases where the card information is added manually. Online purchases tend to have higher processing fees. On the other hand, interchange plus pricing simply passes the interchange fees and card band fees to the merchant, so when the interchange rate is lower, you’re likely to pay a much lower processing fee.

Leveraging Technology, Offering Comprehensive Solutions: BKW Servicing Payment Gateway

The good news is that what you need from a firearms payment processor, you’ll find with BKW Servicing. We pride ourselves on working with high-risk merchants and accepting all legal gun dealers. We support multiple payment methods and include inventory implementation that can help you as you continue to scale your business. 

We offer secure payment gateways to reduce risk by encrypting transactions, verifying addresses, and analyzing velocity patterns. Velocity is something that is often overlooked, but not with us. We know that the stronger the velocity of your payment gateway, the smoother and faster your cybersecurity will be. 

We also stay up-to-date on all eCommerce trends, from the methods of payment most commonly used, growth trends in online shopping, and more. By working with us for smoother, more customer-friendly transactions, you allow your gun dealership to remain on the cutting edge of the industry. One trend we’ve been keeping on top of is the use of AI-powered tools to ensure smooth and reliable customer service and tech support. This has already been adopted by many banks and financial institutions, and BKW Servicing brings that same quality to you.


Going Beyond Transactions: Value Added Services

BKW Servicing partners with over 20 banks and financial institutions in order to curate the best firearm payment processing services for you personally. This goes beyond our transactions and payment gateways. Our full list of services include:

  • Merchant Account Setup. Our experts in merchant services assist merchants in setting up their accounts, from applications to compliance to setting up payment processing.
  • Payment Gateway Integration. We help you set up your payment gateways through your website so you can start earning.
  • Credit and Debit Card Processing. Whether in-store or online, credit and debit cards are the most common payment methods you’ll find. We work with the banks and card networks to facilitate payments and ensure you can accept the payments you need. 
  • Electronic Check Processing. No longer will you have to reject electronic check payments with BKW Servicing at your side.
  • Mobile Payment Solutions. We use Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies to enable mobile payment solutions and payment apps.
  • Fraud Prevention and Security. Security of your transactions is among our top priorities, and we take steps such as encryption, tokenization, and fraud detection systems to keep you protected.
  • Chargeback Management. When your customers dispute a purchase, we help to navigate and manage the chargeback process. This can be a frustrating scenario, but our expert guidance will make it as painless as possible.
  • Knowledge Hub. Through our Knowledge Hub, you can find real time insights into your transactions so that you know where you’re doing well, and where you can stand to improve.

Initiate Your Journey with BKW Servicing Today

BKW Servicing could be the end of your rejections and the beginning of allowing your gun dealership to truly thrive. To get started with us, simply contact our experts today to learn more about applying for your account in minutes!